These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33
Meet Rick Clemes, CFSP – Director at Fulkerson Stevenson Funeral Home in North Dakota
Rick Clemes is a Culbertson, Montana native. He has been involved with funeral service for 49 years, 44 of those practicing his profession in the Williston area. He attended Montana State University in Bozeman and is a graduate of San Francisco College of Mortuary Science.
Rick is married to Linda, and they have three daughters: Kendra (Justin) Routh, Heidi Clemes and Allyson (Shawn) Helde. They have 7 grandchildren. Rick has served as Past-President of the North Dakota Funeral Directors Association, was a Past Master of Mount Moriah Lodge #51, A.F. & A.M. He also is a member of the York Rite and Kem Temple of the Shrine and the Korner Lions Club. He enjoys golfing, walking and spending time with family, especially his grandchildren.
GriefSteps® — A Year of Grief Support
Sign up for one year of weekly grief messages designed to provide strength and comfort during this challenging time. Sign up here.
From Some We’ve Served
Nothing makes everyone at all of the Stevenson & Sons funeral homes feel more fulfilled than knowing we’ve pleased the people we’ve served. We’re all very grateful for their many acknowledgements and proudly share some of them among ourselves. A few of them, we’re so proud of, we like sharing them with you too. See them all in the album below.
So Basic and so Powerful – and Always Appreciated
We’ve all heard the expression comfort food. You’d be hard pressed to make one simple definition for the term. For some, comfort food is merely a burger and fries, while for others it’s toasted marshmallows. Of course, your favorite chips and some tasty dip also fit in that genre. Each of us has our own personal list of comfort foods – and the term perfectly suits the items on that list. When we enjoy some of our comfort food, we’re relaxed, get just a bit happier and lose ourselves in the wonderful flavors and textures.
Food is a great thing to give someone who is dealing with the loss of a loved one. If you know the individual’s preferred comfort foods, great – dropping off some of those would be very well received and certainly bring a smile. Lots of other foods can make excellent gifts to one in grief. Pick the right foods and you can save someone a trip to the grocery store and/or an hour cooking in the kitchen. There are some tasty options available in the frozen food section. One very popular frozen meal is Stouffers Lasagna: put it in the oven, set the time, pull it out, let it cool and enjoy. Cereals, cookies, pies and delivered restaurant meals are also great. Fruit also makes a great gift during the right seasons.
The only thing to avoid is foods that will require a lot of work to make ready to eat. The simplest rule for success here is give the grieving individual foods that are ready to eat, not ingredients which are ready to be made into something to eat. Your act of kindness will be appreciated and actually make a real difference to your friend or loved one. As a final suggestion, consider giving a gift certificate to a local restaurant. If you know the one the recipient prefers – all the better. Believe me, your gesture will be thoroughly enjoyed and very much appreciated.
Planning Ahead
More and more people are realizing the many advantages of prearranging their funerals. The process is simple, and the benefits to the loved ones who are left to handle the arrangements are very well recognized and appreciated. To accommodate the growing need for professional pre-planning support, we provide highly trained and experienced Pre-Need Counselors at Stevenson & Sons:
Lynn Anderson in Miles City, Montana • 406-232-4457
Natalie Boey in Helena, Montana • 406-442-8520
Steve Pearce in Williston, North Dakota • 701-572-6329
Some of the benefits of prearranging are:
Pre-planning allows you to express your own wishes • It means that your loved ones will not have to make a number of important decisions during a time of mourning • Your funeral plan is transferable, in case you move away • It relieves your family of the financial burden • It allows your loved ones to spend their time comforting each other during a time of grief, instead of concerning themselves with the specifics of the arrangements • When pre-planning, there are both guaranteed and non-guaranteed plans available to choose from • It allows you the opportunity to discuss your final arrangements with family members to ensure clarity, and to ensure that those responsible are comfortable with all of your decisions.
If you’d like to know more, we recommend visiting:
Funeral Planning Aid
We frequently receive questions regarding what the person responsible for making funeral arrangements should expect. Since we’ve received so many requests for this information, we are placing a link which allows our newsletter subscribers to download a complete copy of our Funeral Planning Aid. The informative article is presented as a PDF – simply click the PDF Button below to access it. That way, if you wish, you may keep it on your computer for future reference or sharing with others. If after you read the article, you have any questions, please contact one of our pre-planning professionals: Lynn Anderson in Miles City, Montana at 406-232-4457 • Steve Pearce Williston, North Dakota at 701-572-6329 • Natalie Boey in Helena, Montana at 406-442-8520. To download the Funeral Planning aid PDF CLICK HERE.
Who’s eligible for Military Funeral Honors?
- Military members on active duty or in the Selected Reserve.
- Former military members who served on active duty and departed under conditions other than dishonorable.
- Former military members who completed at least one term of enlistment or period of initial obligated service in the Selected Reserve and departed under conditions other than dishonorable.
- Former military members discharged from the Selected Reserve due to a disability incurred or aggravated in the line of duty.
How to establish veteran eligibility
Submit the DD Form 214. The DD Form 214 may be obtained by filing a completed Standard Form 180 with: National Personnel Records Center(NPRC) • 9700 Page Blvd. • St. Louis, MO 63132. The Standard Form 180 may be obtained from:
Headstones for Veterans
For complete information and ordering, please visit: Legislative Changes Concerning Eligibility for Headstones, Markers and Medallions – National Cemetery Administration (
Supporting Others
If you know someone who would benefit from the uplifting messages and support information we provide in these monthly newsletters, they can sign up to receive their own copy here. It’s a great way to lend your support to a friend or a family member.
Financial Assistance
If you lost a loved one due to Covid-19, you may qualify for financial assistance for your family’s funeral expenses. Click here to find out more information. Recently posted on the FEMA Covid-19 Funeral Assistance page: The COVID-19 incident period ended on May 11, 2023. FEMA will continue to provide funeral assistance until Sept. 30, 2025, to those who have lost loved ones due to this pandemic.