Remembrance keepsakes for sharing and holding
memories close to your heart
Keepsake jewelry and cremation mementos can be a thoughtful remembrance of your loved one. For thousands of years, people have retained special, personal mementos of deceased friends and loved ones. Typical mementos include a lock of hair, cremation remains, dirt from the burial site, tears and fibers from a favorite garment. Keepsakes provide a beautiful way to keep such mementos close by, safe and clean.

Our most popular keepsakes are from the artisans of Nambe, world famous since 1921. Nambe keepsakes are stunning, museum quality works of art made from their special, proprietary alloy and finished to perfection. Stevenson & Sons Funeral Homes has a large selection of the most popular remembrance jewelry and cremation keepsake containers. These small, attractive mementos enable family members to create personal tributes that last a lifetime – and beyond.